Wherever you are, WCSG brings you the peace of Jesus.

  • “I instantly felt a sense of overwhelming peace,” Liz says about hearing WCSG in the shuttle driver’s car that would take her to the hospital where her baby was admitted an hour away from home. “It was like God was telling me everything was going to be okay. That hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people were praying for us and He hears every one of them.” 

    We are so grateful that God allowed WCSG to meet Liz in that critical moment, and we hope He allows us to do it for others when they need it most. But we can’t do it without your support. Will you consider a gift of any amount to help us continue being a radio station that elevates God’s love and brings His people together? With your help, every listener will know they are never alone when reaching out to the WCSG community.   

  • Monthly Sustainer

    Show your consistent support for WCSG by giving a recurring gift every month.

    » Learn More

    Your monthly sustaining gift allows WCSG to encourage listeners like you every single day. Give $50 or more a month and become a Sustainer Club member and have access to early bird ticket sales, special events and exclusive WCSG swag.
  • One Time Gift

    Have a positive impact in your community through single gifts to WCSG.

    » Learn More

    Support your community through a financial gift that allows WCSG to provide encouragement to listeners like you.
  • Daysponsor

    Dedicate a day to celebrate, honor, or remember a special event or person on the air.

    » Learn More

    As a Daysponsor your gift of $1200 includes a customized radio "spot" on your special day. You’ve invested in WCSG, so we want to invest in you by hearing your story.

God's Story through Your Story

  • "I listen as often as I can. As a mom and wife, I am often drained. Listening to WCSG and the message God gives me while I listen is one of the biggest and fastest ways for me to recharge. Thank you."
  • "Absolutely love this radio station. Keep up the amazing work of God!"
  • "I often listen while doing chores, but you are always on during my commute to/from work every day! Thank you for all you do."
  • "Thanks for all you do. There have been numerous times when the song you played was exactly what I needed to hear at just the right time."
  • "Love your station. Uplifting music, very kind DJs, and no annoying ads. Thank you!"


  • Ways to give

    • Give online by choosing from the options above
    • Call 616-254-1659 to give over the phone
    • Mail a check to 3181 Bradford NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 or
    • Contact us by email at gifting@wcsg.org

    Your support makes a real, lasting impact in the lives of those who hear God's story. Thank you!

    Double the Donation | Matching Gift Info

Family-Friendly Commercial-Free
91.3 WCSG
Grand Rapids / Lakeshore
88.3 WCXK
90.9 WCFG
Battle Creek
89.9 WCXB
Benton Harbor